»»» GALAGA'92 ««« by Geert Coelmont and Romain Voes - Version 1.4 - Permission Granted to Fred Fish for inclusion in his Amiga Library This game is FREEWARE No fee except possible cost of shipping or diskcopying can be charged Commercial use prohiited without written permission! The Story... ------------------------------------------------------------ ... A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I walked into a dark and deserted coinop-hall ... 'Anybody here!?' I screamed, only causing some alien-rats to seek peace somewhere else. As I wandered thru the place, I discovered a person in the back, he seemed very occupied. I decidedly walked towards him, but as I came closer, a certain smell of rotten flesh filled the air. The person still didn't react, eventhough the wooden floor made enough noise to wake up the whole alien-town. Was this man deaf or something ?! Still approaching, it prooved that the man had worse problems: he was dead; not only dead, but long-time- dead: his rotten body was covering a coinop, an arm lying on the floor, in a pool of dried-up blood, the hand still holding a joystick. All of a sudden the remains of his body started sliding off the coinop, revealing the monitor ... While the body hit the floor with a smooth 'SPWAAT', the GAMEOVER tune of »»» Galaga'92 ««« sounded thru the hall ... taken from the novel 'Aliens are back in town' by Geert Coelmont, (C) 1992 The Game... ------------------------------------------------------------ Let's get serious now. Galaga'92 is a poor remake of a poor original, it's a completely obsolete style, it lacks gameplay, has a lastability of 0.0 has boring graphics and technology.... THAT'S WHAT »YOU« THINK !!!! Play Galaga'92, and find out how it will take posession of you. Almost 300 different animnation-frames in 16 colors, many many levels (nobody exactly knows how much!) with END-OF-STAGE-NASTIES, bonus-levels, kamikaze-raids, and ofcourse more aliens than the Galaxy has ever seen before !! Galaga'92 is the ULTIMATE game. Slowly but steadyly, it will take the mind out your soul, leaving you playing the game until you drop to the floor ('SPWAAT') PRESS FIRE TO PLAY - BUT DO IT AT YOUR OWN PERIL !!! The Hints ------------------------------------------------------------ When you take off with your spaceship, you will have very little equipment. Don't just push your firebutton, but AIM at the aliens, only this way you will avoid being hit by an alien while you are temporarily out of ammo. Once you have collected enough firepower, the way is clear to some serious MEGABLASTING !! But stay alert, one hit of an alien-bomb and you will loose all power-ups, and life will be harder than ever, certainly in the harder stages... When you are fighting a Nasty, stay underneat him, where his bombs proceed most slowly. It is best to kill all small aliens before you attack the Nasty ! Take as much bonuscoins as you can. They increase your power until a certain level. Each time your power increases, a message will be displayed shortly, indicating what the effects were. Once you have reached the maximum power, no messages will be displayed, but you will still be awarded extra points ! For the explication of the bonus-coins, watch the introduction- part of the game. Ah before I forget... I've heard rumours about a cheatmode... The Credits... ------------------------------------------------------------ Coding and graphics: Geert Coelmont (Cool-G) Music: Romain Voes (Boytronic) Intro-picture: Guy Pensart (Nike) Ideas, debugging: Dirk Coelmont Romain Voes Koen Peetermans